Jan 7, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

We play a similar game at the farm. Ours involves a huge ball of tape with a gift card at the center. The brother-in-law is an agriculture and shop teacher with access to various interesting types of adhesive tape, and the family is competitive. Digits have been almost lost over a $25 Wal mart card.

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I can well imagine! It got intense with the family.

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

Since you didn't do the self-promotion thing, I'll do it for you.

Tomorrow, Elvis' birthday, might be a good day to re-read Mr. Finn's very good story "Roadtrip" too.

If, like me, you're a Kindle-user, you can find it here:


If you're not a Kindle user, then you can go do your own research as to where to find the book.

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You are most kind, thank you!

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

This is such a great idea! And somehow I've never heard of The Mephisto Waltz, so I'm going to have to do something about that immediately. I do know the game with the scarf and gloves though - we had family friends when I was growing up who we used to spend Boxing Day with, and they knew an extraordinary number of good party games. The inciting incident would be throwing a six, because we just used a six-sided die, and instead of trying to open a parcel, in their version you got a plate, knife and fork, and a wrapped Mars bar, and you had to cut it open and eat it in slices - until someone else threw a 6 and you had to swiftly divest yourself of all the woollens...

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Oh that sounds like a hoot!

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Jan 8, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

Wait... Seagal movies? Seriously? You know I adore bad movies, but even I have to draw the line somewhere. But, watching him try to "run" or do a scene involving a telephone... well, enough said.

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The two movies were Machete and Under Siege, the last watchable Seagal movie thanks to the bevy of better co-stars. The pickings get reeeeeal slim after that.

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

For Howard Hawks you have to watch "Hatari". Set in Africa, it stars John Wayne, Elsa Martinelli, and Red Buttons. Mr. Buttons is fabulous as a NYC cab driver with zoophobia. My mother and I love it and we watch almost every time we visit. Yes, the concept of capturing animals for zoos is outdated, but the scenery is fabulous. And the elephants - one of my favorite music pieces is "Baby Elephant Walk" by Henry Mancini. As a side note, all the actors performed the actual capture of the animals with no stunt doubles. Most of Wayne's audio had to be redubbed because of his cursing. (it was 1962.

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Hatari is a favorite of mine, but honestly, I don’t know how I’m going to pick just one Howard Hawk movie. We each get one choice, so it will leave a lot on the table whichever way we go.

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