Feb 10, 2023Liked by Mark Finn

Speaking as someone who had the privilege of getting to play-test a little of this stuff, I am an eyewitness that it as cool AF.

You have no competition, as far as I’m concerned!

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You are very kind, and I am beyond flattered.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Mark Finn

I had sworn off backing zines this month after already backing, um, an embarrassing number of them, but you got me to sign up for two more I had missed. Can't wait to see what sort of damage next week's report from the bunker does to my wallet! Have a great weekend!

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Preach, brother. I know, I know. And I promise I’m trying to curate my picks as ruthlessly as possible. But, I’m glad you’re picking stuff up! Thanks for checking them out. On behalf of all of us, we appreciate it.

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