Oct 14, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

Not sure if you care but...

I don't cook, but since you do and since cauliflower is on your menu, wanted to show this recipe from someone else online which might interest you:

Two eggs, garlic, salt, pepper, and smoked paprika for spices.

For flouring? I used a bit of keto pancake mix (because his usual almond flour had gone bad).

Folks, I have invented french fries.

The cauliflower broke apart while it was being breaded (he was aiming for cauliflower steaks) so we had little bits of cauliflower in the egg wash and pancake mix. They were basically french fries. Low carb, french fries.

This is the first low carb french fry I have ever had that actually hit the french fry spot for me. Worked with ranch, worked with barbecue, worked really well with ketchup.


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As soon as I can have things like keto pancakes, I will be all over this. Thanks for sharing!

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Please feel free to send Mark LOTS of recipes. I enjoy the fruits of his labors.

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The only one I've seen on any of these lists is "Psycho." Clearly, I have some catching up to do! That said, can we talk about the absolute magic that is movie posters? Some truly wonderful art here that screams (heh) "Old Hollywood."

P.S. One of the villains in a Scooby Doo episode was The Creeper. I wonder if the writers got it from this movie?

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I've never been more certain than anything in my life that the Scooby Doo Creeper is exactly that. And yet, I've got nothing to back it up with.

Oh, I love old movie posters. They are a lost art. One of the reasons I wanted to include them in this project was exactly that: they literally don't make 'em like that anymore. I don't know that very many people would even know how. Everything now is a photoshopped collage/montage of the actors with a shiny logo overhead. Nothing wrong with that, I guess, but it lacks panache. Some guy also did a series of Marvel Avengers as if they were 1950s and 1960s Series Paperbacks. And Holy Shit, they were glorious. I wish I could find them again. They were perfect in execution.

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