Martha and I have been playing Pathfinder every friday night for a year or more now, online with friends from Austin and California. Been so long since my D&D days I can't properly compare the two, but we've enjoyed it. I've always believed the secret is not in the rules, but in how the DM and players run the game. I think of the rules and mechanics as "suggestions." They're rough templates that should be liberally changed to fit the group playing. "Game Lawyers" who show up with their manuals and ready to argue every little point should have their characters killed off frequently. If you stifle 3rd party modules and gaming accessories, you'll kill your customer base.

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Exactly. The outcry came from the industry because they literally were going to yank the bedrock out from under the entire market. Really, they should have anticipated this.

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I'd love to see your own game, Mark.

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It’s not off the table yet, but man, that’s a lotta work, as you well know.

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Perpetual, not irrevocable. BIG difference.

That said, yeah, the rocket surgeons stable geniuses at WotC - not the creators, but the CEO and Hasbro - have absolutely shit the bed on this.

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You're reading what I'm reading. My hope is that they will look at all of the massive backlash and conclude it's at best a zero sum game to try and de-authorize the existing OGL. But I have no real confidence at this point.

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"Will anyone even buy a quarterly gaming zine full of fresh content for your 5th edition game?"

I think the shift from 5e to...anything else...isn't going to be as widespread as folks online are hoping it will be. I think the great majority of D&D players will want a D&D-like experience, and where better to get it than from D&D? So I think, yes, there will be buyers for that zine.

Of course, I'm rolling the dice on a 5e-compatible Kickstarter, hoping against hope that the D&D exodus and the aroused anti-D&D sentiment doesn't extend to my precious. So I'm a bit biased.

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I am less hopeful than you, but yeah, it'd be nice. I just picked up my first Paizo book, thinking that maybe Pathfinder 2e is mechanically closest to 5e without being that. The other option is to (A) find an extant system that is most supportive to the social/urban/low fantasy side of the pillar, or (B) make my own OSR game that does. Thieves Guild/Thieves World rooted, and so forth.

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