“...easily as smarmy as Aaron Eckhardt in Thank You for Smoking,”

SOLD. I’m not too into musicals either (though I will carve out an exception for “South Pacific”), but this sounds good all around.

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I would be very interested to hear your opinion of the whole thing when you have sufficiently recovered.

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

I'm so relieved to hear you say that because A Christmas Story means a lot to me. Maybe it's just that I was born nostalgic, but it's also that Ralphie's childhood is so similar to that of my mum (b. 1945) and her big brother, despite the US setting: parents didn't have a fortune, cowboys were everything, radio serials loomed large, childhood games were dangerous (over here, kids played on WWII bomb sites and lethal playground equipment), and my mother disappointed her own by going about with cap guns and water pistols. Though I'm sure she would want me to clarify that she abhors violence these days, back then, I would not have put it past her to ask Father Christmas for an airgun.

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I was a little worried, but what they show in the trailer really is but the tip of the iceberg and there's lots they don't give away.

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

Glad to see someone else loved Spirited as much as I did.

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That movie works really hard to win you over, doesn't it? And I think that it's just about perfect for this time and this place in our lives. And also way way more meaningful than the whole sum total of offerings on the Hallmark channel.

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

Hrrrmmm. I was just enlightened a bit about ELF by our mutual friend Ryan, and here's another surprise (to me, anyway) I have never cared for Will Farrell, but have liked Ryan Reynolds from the git go. (I did have a flash of memory about you not caring for the Deadpool films sometime back) The only thing I can say I liked Farrell in was "Stranger Than Fiction" which struck several chords with me. While I do enjoy the occasional musical ( My tastes include Paint Your Wagon, Cabaret, and Sweeny Todd, though I suppose the latter is more of an opera. Ought to include the Rankin-Bass Rudolf while I'm at it.) In any event, Spirited sound interesting, so I will see if I can coax the Missus into a Christmas movie.

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I DID like the Deadpools, but I was never a fan of the character, in the comics or otherwise. I think Reynolds has one lane and two speeds, and he's gotten better about making it seem like he's changing lanes and downshifting from time to time. I think you'll dig it, very much so.

And Sweeny Todd is a masterpiece.

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