Nov 21, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

How do people NOT laugh at Oscar??? I love that movie!!!

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Some critics disparaged Rocky and Rambo and then said Stallone can't do comedy. I emphatically disagree with both of those statements.

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I presume you've seen SAMARITAN? Thoughts?

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He's great in it, though it telegraphs its ending somewhere between the second and third reel, depending on how deep your comic book knowledge goes. It's as good as something like that with a kid in it can be.

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Yeah, but predictable is nice sometimes. Indeed, I could probably make a case that the "surprise twist" has become just another overused cliché, like serial killers and the heroine dealing with her shattered emotions after having lost her entire family. There are times when I just wanna sit back, turn off my head, and watch the good guys win because they have no choice but to fight. Which isn't the same as becoming a vigilante, which in my NSHO is also now a cliché.

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Even though I spotted the S-curve long before we got there, I did like the movie. It went against type in a couple of ways by not making the kid cute, and having him act in a more believable way.

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And who could forget Judge Dredd?!

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If I have to choose, I prefer Demolition Man. And yes, Judge Dredd's sins have since been forgiven with his second turn at a comic book franchise, in Guardians of the Galaxy 2/Suicide Squad 2.

Oh who am I kidding? I can't stay mad at him. I mean, Death Race 2000?!

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

Damn I didn't know Taylor Sheridan did this , now I _have_to watch it.

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