Good timing: my new Substack is called "Chupacabras: What Aren't they Telling Us?"

Seriously, though; I too welcome the end of Web2.0 (or whatever it's called). I'm a terminally online guy, but spending a day in the rock tumbler that is Threads was enough for me. It's literally every wrong turn we've ever made about the internet in one place. For now, I'm content with Feedly (why did they kill Google reader?!), and Substack, with a few quick visits to Twitter to say hi to old friends.

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I’m no authority, but I think there are 8 episodes of Justified City Primeval.

You’re probably right in that it will not be anyone’s favorite iteration of Justified.

But its an irrefutable proof of concept that the Raylen Givens character works as a protagonist outside of his Kentucky home locale and that Timothy Olyphant can still play the hell out of it.

Here’s hoping that we get what they used to call “a novel for television” for Justified every couple of years or so. I wouldn’t mind that at all.

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You're not fully a member of the CPAP Underground until you know the secret handshake.

I can't show you the handshake. It's a secret.

Well, actually, I could. But then I'd have to kill you. Because it's, you know, a secret.

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