The head stuff - this too shall pass!

Bullet journal - yeah, I've been thinking of something like that for health stuff; just a list/grid where I can tick off day by day what I did/didn't.

Kong - When visiting New York 25 (!) years ago with half my class, the rest all went up the Twin Towers. I went up the Empire State. I think you know the reason.

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If you haven't looked at the Bullet Journaling system, I recommend it. The single best thing about it is, as soon as you look at it, you'll think, "Oh, I don't need THAT, but what I COULD do is THIS instead..." and that's the point. The rest is a couple of key concepts that have served me quite well, when I was utilizing them. Stuff about bringing unfinished things forward, or dropping them off the list, as not being that important to begin with. It's juuuust enough structure to give me guidelines without hampering my "flow."

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