Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

Mark, dammit, I pride myself on not being the sort of person who laughs at another's misfortunes, but... well, I damn near peed myself.

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Serves you right!

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

I’m so sorry you’re having such difficulties, but that your irrepressible sense of humor is still rapier-sharp gives me hope. After 20+ years in the medical field, I have found that those patients that have a sense of humor or who are at the very least quick to laugh are the ones who recover fastest from what ails them. Yours will be a positive prognosis, I have no doubt. Take care.

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I just wish my doctors knew how brilliantly funny I am.

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Good God that was amazingly entertaining. I mean, I am empathetic and I want you to know I hate that you are experiencing any difficulties whatsoever because I love ya, but holy hell…I am rolling over here.

Seriously, I know I’ve told you this before but it’s been a while so here it goes. You, sir, are a damn good writer.

More penis euphemisms, please.

Oh…my God, I cutting onions over here…

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You can stay as long as you want with that attitude.

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Mark Finn

Pretty sure there's something wrong with me but I definitely skipped right down to the penis part. 5 stars for entertainment value, 1 star for the actual situation. Fingers crossed that your turtle survives the upcoming procedures.

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Awesome! That you skipped is pretty much what I wanted all along!

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You, my friend, have elevated TMI to an artform! Seriously, it's a real humanitarian service to go into detail on uncomfortable doctor visits, as it normalizes the experience. I feel retroactively less traumatized by my own.

...Also, just as I was hitting superhero movie/show fatigue, Peacemaker has saved the day. It's every bit the show I always wanted but thought it a waste of time to ask for. Very similar sensibilities as the Harley Quinn animated series.

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Yes, the similarity to the HQ show is not lost on me. Who'da thought that the irreverent vibe would have worked so well for DC? I mean, the Lego Batman movie is a less racy and appalling version of that. Have we entered the age of Post-Gravitas? Or does that tone only work with the second (and third) stringers?

And anything I can do to prep you for penis trauma, I'm happy to help. I got you, Brother.

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