Jul 26Liked by Mark Finn

In the world I (and therefore I expect YOU) grew up in, theatre employees and owners really made close to zero effort to enforce the restrictions of the MPAA ratings system.

I was buying tickets to R-rated movies on my own at 12 and 13 years old. Never got carded, never got stopped. Not once. And I was NOT one of those kids who looked older than I was. Probably the opposite.

I remember going to see George Romero’s Day of Dead (a film that was released without an MPAA rating, but was so violent and gory that no one under 17 admitted) and an entire family- mom and dad and multiple kids under age 10- came in and took seats right in front of me. The kids freaked out, mom got upset and complained to the oblivious dad until they all left, less than 20 mins into the film.

Ticket buyers want these kind of systems in place but don’t especially want to follow them. That put people in your position between a rock and a hard place.

So good on you for at least making the effort.

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Being in a small town, I try to be a partner to them and help them out. I even give them a chance to bring in 14 year olds if the R-rated movie only has violence and horror, but the adults still have to buy the tickets. And the kids get a lecture about this being a privilege that can be revoked if they act up.

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Heh. I was at the big preview for "Land of the Dead" 20 years later, and had exactly the opposite situation. Two parents and six kids coming in, with the kids ranging from about 12 to 3, sitting directly in front of me. The kids were fine through the whole thing, even if the three-year-old was cheering on the zombies (to be fair, that was the idea, and I was cheering her for her enthusiasm), but the parents? Screaming, yelping, climbing under their seats..the kids should have left THEM home with a babysitter.

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Came here to say the same thing. 11 year old me would've been pissed that Mark was trying to do right by them. 49 year old me is happy to see it.

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"...so much of the humor in the first two episodes is built around Kevin being the smartest one of the bunch..."

I mean, I have to watch it now, right?

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Well, yeah, of course!

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