Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023Liked by Mark Finn

Thanks for the sword and sorcery game info. I just signed up for updates for the Wasted Lands: The Dreaming Age kickstarter!

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Always glad to get the word out about The Good Stuff!

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Mark Finn

I applaud your booksharing but I already have more books than I can read in the next five years and would feel gulty depriving somoeone else of books.

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If you change your mind, you have but to ask.

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I am so bummed that I missed your theater performance! I was off fangirling at the Fax Expo in Dallas. But it sounds like it was a blast!

Also, considering the fact that I already have more books that I can possibly house or read in my lifetime, I am absolutely going to send you a request for a book.

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