Nov 26, 2021Liked by Mark Finn

Glad to hear Sonja's getting better on the meds. My stepdaughter has an old rescue named Mal who was suffering a similar infirmity, compounded by having to negotiate a ramp down to the dog yard (And she's blind in the bargain). But the medication definitely helped her. Only noddingly familiar with Beebop, seen a few episodes, liked it ok, but have been lukewarm about watching the live action. Having digested all of the Harley Quinn animated, followed by all three seasons of Doom Patrol (both of which I hope continue) I think I need to go finish reading that five hundred page tome on the Lincoln brigade in the Spanish Civil War before I go back into the pool...Happy Thanksgiving, amigo-be well

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You get a pass on Bebop because you have certainly consumed more than enough anime to be an expert. And I would trust you to look at a live-action version of any anime and identify the earmarks of what they kept and what they jettisoned.

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From what I have seen so far*, Bebop hews very close to the original in tone and design. A minor peeve that has been with me for ages is the realization that anime characters almost never change their costumes. For some reason, it stands out more in live action. The casting is good, and everybody hits their marks, but it seems a little stagey to me for some reason. All the same, I hope it's a solid hit for Netflix. Did I miss commentary on Doom Patrol? I know it has been out awhile, but I don't remember you reviewing it off hand...

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I haven’t gotten into Doom Patrol S3 yet. Mostly because I ran out of steam for it in season 2. By the time I get to it, I fear it’ll be so far out that no one will care what I think.

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*two episodes.

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Nov 26, 2021Liked by Mark Finn

Poor thing! I hope the meds continue to improve things for her and that, as creative as you'll no doubt be in handling this, the moving-downstairs-thing doesn't become a necessity.

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So far, the meds seem to be helping. She's got a week of first floor Parisian living to do. After that, we will see just how spry she is jumping into the back seat.

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